Rift Dungeon Grinding - How Much Is Too Much?

For anyone who hasn't gotten to adapt 50 yet and experienced the Rift donjon-keep grind for gear, you're in on this account that a big surprise. For those of you who receive, you may also find this information interesting. Here we're going to tear asunder down the gear sets into dungeon runs. Check it out!

Tier 1 Dungeon Gear

First, allow us take a look at Tier 1 dress.. This is the first set people players get by doing the prompt dungeons in Rift. A full stiff of tier 1 gear from the donjon-keep NPC's runs 298 Plaques of Achievement. Now, the calculations of plaques given are similar to follows:

1 Plaque is awarded by means of boss

3 Plaques are rewarded through daily bonus reward

Looking at the several dungeons, the number of bosses and their rewards are considered in the state of follows (note that each of these poetry includes the daily bonus plaques):

Iron Tomb - 6 bosses, practicable 9 Plaques

Realm of the Fae - 6 bosses, in posse 9 Plaques

King's Breach - 5 bosses, potential 8 Plaques

The Fall of Lantern Hook - 5 bosses, 8 Plaques

Foul Cascade - 6 bosses, 9 Plaques

Based up~ the above numbers, if you were to maintain Iron Tomb, Realm of the Fae or Foul Cascade, it would take a gross of 34 runs to get your replete Tier 1 gear set. If you were to generality only King's Breach or The Fall of Lantern Hook, you're looking at 38 runs. And everything of this assumes that you consider built up daily bonuses. If you were to passage the dungeons with no bonuses, you're looking at between 50 and 60 runs, depending up~ the dungeons.

Tier 2 Dungeon Gear

Now lease's turn our attention to the Rift pinafore 2 dungeon gear. A full posture of tier 2 dungeon gear from the NPC's runs a sum of 1,246 Plaques of Ascension. This is extremely three times the cost of the tier 1 dungeon gear! The way the row 2 dungeons reward their Plaques of Ascension are as follows:

2 Plaques of Ascension are rewarded for boss

6 Plaques of Ascensions are rewarded for daily

The number of bosses and sum possible rewards are as follows (these verse represent the reward with the diurnal quest):

Runic Descent - 5 bosses, 16 Plaques

Deepstrike Mines - 7 bosses, 20 Plaques

Abyssal Precipice - 5 bosses, 16 Plaques

Charmer's Caldera - 6 bosses, 18 Plaques

Darkening Deeps - 6 bosses, 18 Plaques

In this example, assuming you were to run inexistence but tier 2′s (and had the quotidian quest available the entire time), you're looking at anywhere from 63 pinafore 2 runs to 78 runs! And this is aggregate if you did nothing but pinafore 2′s. Without the daily quest bonus, you're looking at between 89 and 125 tier 2 runs. To dash to pieces this down into tier 1 terms (as some players prefer to queue in favor of both), with the daily it would take between 139 and 156 runs. Without the diurnal it'd be 208 to 250 pinafore 1 dungeon runs.

That is a assign of grinding just to get the series 2 NPC gear. And keep in intend that these numbers are all based attached one set of gear - if you needed pair sets, such as DPS and tanking array, you have to double that!