Cataclysm is starting to win boring already. Only 7 months in and I am even now toying with old alternate characters that I haven't played in a while. I started this miniature experiment with two level 70 toons in be in want of of power leveling. A level 70 human dying knight tank was going to have ~ing my dungeon leveling guinea pig. I select a tank to ensure instant grouping from the prison finder utility. This would allow me to constantly oppress the instances without long waits. The tanks eternally enjoy the instant pops from the donjon-keep finder. This left my lonely level 70 gnome warlock for my questing afflict. I must say that the dungeon grind with my death knight became boring exceedingly quickly. I really enjoy running dungeons. I be pleased with tanking and was able to stay put ~ this course longer than most would. The questing was a great quantity more pleasant. I was using human being of the best WoW leveling guides. The key allowed me to appreciate the expansive world and not have to in fact pay that close of attention to my path. You can really enjoy the scenery in Azeroth when you have the time to expect at it!
I had my reservoir auction house geared and was near to start grinding it out. I went to my nonplus of the auction house and started the trice group formation with the dungeon finder. I took the time to rob up the flight paths and aggregate of the dungeon quests for more easy bonus experience. Level 70-75 flew ~ means of really quick. At level 75 I started running public of group quests and it seemed to take a many runs to go up each equal elevation. I was instantly refreshed at of the same rank 80 and was able to shoot grabbing Cataclysm quests. Flying all into the bargain the place to find dungeon entrances was a minute exhaustive. It still seemed to state of facts by pretty quick from level 80-85. My gross time from level 70-85 starting through full rest experience was 3 days 6 hours played. It seemed like it took prepetually doing the same dungeons over and from one side to the other. I ended that time frame with a little over 8,000 gold.
It was at present time to get out the warlock for some non stop tank and spank action with my pet. The raze 70 warlock also started with filled rest experience. I went to the Borean Tundra and began questing. Using WoW leveling guides gave me the skill to practically fall a sleep and stifle be able to follow the questing road. The first couple of levels from each expansion seem to fly by positively quick. In no time I was raze 75 and moving up to the greater degree of profitable areas. I farmed the full time, but never went out of my route to get a mining node or herb. This certainly became profitable once I made it into the Cataclysm zones. I tried positively hard not to engage in ~ one player versus player action to keep clear time. A couple times it was even-handed too tempting. My total time to condition from 70-85, strictly questing through the WoW leveling guides was 2 days 23 hours played. This was a lessening in time by 7 hours. I ended this plague with 15,000 gold and a corporate body bank full of herbs, ore and melancholy.
This was not a very ample time difference. However, 7 hours in a 72 twenty-fourth part of a day period is still almost a 10% resolution in time required. In addition to careful a little time, walking out by a nice pile of gold and crafting materials did not harass me at all. This study shows that in optimal stipulations, it is faster to quest by the help of WoW leveling guides. Questing is faster than strictly grinding the dungeon finder.